full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Anne Scherer: Why we're more honest with machines than people

Unscramble the Blue Letters

The way we learn these social rules then is mostly by social rewards and social punishments. Now, as social animals, we aim for social approval and want to avoid other's dpriaspavol. So we act in a way that is slclaoiy acectped and present ourselves in a socially desirable way to others. So we want to be seen as an individual that is smart, successful, sporty and active, creative, empathic and possibly all that at once. Now, through soacil media, our stirve for social approval, and with it, our need for self-presentation and perfection has skyrocketed.

Open Cloze

The way we learn these social rules then is mostly by social rewards and social punishments. Now, as social animals, we aim for social approval and want to avoid other's ___________. So we act in a way that is ________ ________ and present ourselves in a socially desirable way to others. So we want to be seen as an individual that is smart, successful, sporty and active, creative, empathic and possibly all that at once. Now, through ______ media, our ______ for social approval, and with it, our need for self-presentation and perfection has skyrocketed.


  1. social
  2. accepted
  3. socially
  4. strive
  5. disapproval

Original Text

The way we learn these social rules then is mostly by social rewards and social punishments. Now, as social animals, we aim for social approval and want to avoid other's disapproval. So we act in a way that is socially accepted and present ourselves in a socially desirable way to others. So we want to be seen as an individual that is smart, successful, sporty and active, creative, empathic and possibly all that at once. Now, through social media, our strive for social approval, and with it, our need for self-presentation and perfection has skyrocketed.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
prior sex 4
sex partners 4
social rules 3
socially desirable 3
health care 3
humanlike bots 3
unique social 2
social interaction 2
socially accepted 2
human health 2
care professional 2
trouble sleeping 2
social evaluation 2
digital avatar 2
people open 2
machine interactions 2

ngrams of length 3

collocation frequency
prior sex partners 4
human health care 2
health care professional 2

ngrams of length 4

collocation frequency
human health care professional 2

Important Words

  1. accepted
  2. act
  3. active
  4. aim
  5. animals
  6. approval
  7. avoid
  8. creative
  9. desirable
  10. disapproval
  11. empathic
  12. individual
  13. learn
  14. media
  15. perfection
  16. possibly
  17. present
  18. punishments
  19. rewards
  20. rules
  21. skyrocketed
  22. smart
  23. social
  24. socially
  25. sporty
  26. strive
  27. successful